Rashad Madison Software Engineer

Welcome to my site, here you can find examples of my work, a blog discussing my works in progress, and general info about me.

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Animated GIF


Take a look at my work. Most of my work is created in Vanilla JavaScript. At the moment I am taking the time to update everything with frontend frameworks.

  • React Fullstack Application


    Built a client in react.js for a SQL Rest API. This application has sign up and sign in functionality for users. It also allows users to create books, make changes to them, view and delete them. This application is one of the most challenging ones that I have made. Creating this gave me an understanding of front and backend technologies and how they communicate.

  • Rest API


    Utilizing Express.js and SQL I created a REST API that gives users CRUD functionalities over items in a school database. This was my first backend database. Creating this amplified my understand of software as a whole.

  • React Image Gallery


    Utilizing React.js and Flickr's api I created a fully searchable listing of Flickr images. This was my first React project, it was definitely a challenge but I really enjoy creating modular components

  • Random Quote Generator


    Project that displays random famous quotes from many African American Leaders. It was a requirement of the TAP(Treehouse apprenticeship program). This project gave me the opportunity to get used to dealing with JSON like data structures

  • Random User API Project


    Pagination of multiple student list items with search. This project continues the trend of dealing with common obstacles with data. Usually one would use a library for a pagination and search. But getting the opportunity to see how all of that goes together was eye opening.

  • Fitness site


    Example of some of my client work. I developed a website for the Fulton Fithouse gym. This site was completed in Bootstrap with a helping hand of JavScript. An important part of this project was discussing with the client and ascertaining his specific business needs.

  • Phrase Hunter


    Similar to wheel of fortune this is a fully functional game where you guess. This project called for me to utilize object oriented programing with JavaScript. I had to create a negative feedback system(for incorrect guesses), multiple states and gives the user the ability to add data to it.

  • Pagination Project


    Pagination of multiple student list items with search. This project continues the trend of dealing with common obstacles with data. Usually one would use a library for a pagination and search. But getting the opportunity to see how all of that goes together was eye opening.

  • Classic Arcade Game Clone


    This game was my first experience with OOP in javScript. The game requires multiple changes to state as it has a game win and lose lifecycle.

  • Interactive Form


    This interactive form project was a challenge for me. It truly pushed my dom-manipulation skills with vanilla JavScript. Form validation can surprisingly be complex. I appreciated the opportunity to learn regex. I was proud of events being disabled when another event during that same time was selected.

  • Matching Game


    Card matching game that shows my knowledge of JavaScript and CSS animations.

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